• Does Calmer Lives help mediate between family and education professionals to assist a child attend in their education setting?

  • Can Calmer Lives provide some autism awareness training to our organisation?

  • Can Calmer Lives help our class learn more about the way they think about neuro-diversity and reduce bullying?

  • Do you attend TAF (Team around the family) and CIN (Child in Need) meetings?

  • Could I get in touch, with Calmer Lives for a short 15 minute call, to help discuss a family?

  • Can our staff purchase a tailored one hour session to help discuss a child’s behaviour to create some pro-active supports?



We are striving to improve the experiences of neurodiverse individuals of all ages, whether this is in their family, education, work or social settings. Our bespoke support is not confined to the individuals who are referred to us but can be extended to deliver consultation and training to fellow professionals involved.

We welcome every opportunity to collaborate and share our experiences.

© Copyright Calmer Lives - A CEDA Service - Registered as a company limited by guarantee- 4693500  REGISTERED CHARITY No. 1096528

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